Загоризонтная КВ радиолокация мелкомасштабных неоднородностей среднеширотной ионосферы с помощью ЛЧМ ионозонда?радиопеленгатора
Автор(ы): Урядов В.П., Вертоградов Г.Г., Вертоградова Е.Г.
Представлены новые результаты изучения среднеширотного F-рассеяния, полученные с помощью широко-полосного КВ радара бистатической конфигурации на трассе ЛЧМ зондирования Кипр ? Ростов-на-Дону, когда в приемном пункте использовался ионозонд ? радиопеленгатор.
Ключевые слова: загоризонтная радиолокация, ионосфера, ЛЧМ зондирование.
Over-the-horizon HF radiolocation of small-scale irregularities of middle-latitude ionosphere with help LFM ionosonde-radiodirection finder
Authors: Uryadov V.P., Vertogradov G.G., Vertogradova E.G.
Research results of spread F in a middle-latitude ionosphere with help of new technologies of oblique sounding with use LFM ionosonde-radiodiraction finder are presented. Measurements were carried out at LFM sounding Cyprus ? Rostov-Don path. At this path for long time approxi-mately from 21:30 LT for 04 January 2012 till 06:20 LT for 05 January 2012 at oblique sounding ionograms the strongly spread scattered signal was registered on frequencies exceeding a maximum observed frequency (MOF) of a direct signal. On the basis of modeling in view of distance-frequency-characteristics and angle-frequency-characteristics meas-urements results the positioning of areas responsible for scattering signals was carried out. Vertical angles of arrival scattering signal lay in interval of values ~25-45? and in view of range from receiver to this area ~500-800 km can be spoken that for occurrence of scattering signal the area of a middle-latitude top iono-sphere at height ~250-500 km is responsible.
We believe that spread signal is caused by radio waves scattering from small-scale ionospheric irregularities located in this extended area which reaching in external ionosphere above than maximum of F-layer. The transverse sizes of irregularities are easy to estimate from expression . In our case for practically backscatter when and, we obtain .
Keywords: over-the-horizon HF radiolocation, ionosphere, LFM sounding.